Examining Public Office.

Here are some of the current incumbents in the race for president:

1. Michelle Bachmann
2. Rick Perry
3. Newt Gringrich
4. Barack Obama
5. Herman Cain

Presidential Candidate Michelle Bachmann- ISSUE: Jobs In America

Michelle Bachman's website gives a detailed explanation of her plans for creating jobs as well as her thoughts on the issue. The site outlines a lot of different ways to really boost the economy and build jobs. Here are some of the ways, and her reasons for supporting them.

1. REPATRIATION. More than 1.2 trillion United States dollars could be brought back to America in days as an immediate "stimulus" if the government would zero out the tax rate on that money until December 31, and then permanently keep it here in the U.S. if taxed at a rate of 5 percent

2. CUT SPENDING AND GOVERNMENT. Phase out quasi-governmental enterprises, such as Fannie and Freddie, and eliminate duplicative government programs and costs. We must decrease government salaries to bring them in line with their private sector counterparts, and we must decrease the number of government employees. Over-spending by the government hurts job creation by devaluing the dollar and stealing capital from the private sector.

3, REPEAL OBAMACARE. Healthcare is one-sixth of the U.S. economy and this unconstitutional takeover of healthcare by the federal government is creating crippling uncertainty for employers across this country. This legislation does nothing to address the true problem with our healthcare system – cost – and will cost states trillions.

4. CUT TAXES. We need to reduce the number of tax brackets, repeal taxes outlined in Obamacare, fix the Alternative Minimum Tax, and eliminate the Death Tax. In addition, we must make the corporate tax code simpler and fairer, and allow U.S. companies that generate earnings overseas to bring back those profits and invest them in American jobs and growth.

5. REPEAL THE DODD-FRANK. This law tightened regulations on banks, made it harder for Americans to obtain credit, and failed to address the systemic problem that caused the Wall Street collapse — leverage. This 849-page bill calls for 400 new sets of rules that will be written on 6000 Federal Register pages, all written by bureaucrats, many of whom have never worked in the financial services field. The law also creates a potentially intrusive Financial Services Consumer Protection Bureau that is not accountable to Congress and which has but a vague mandate to combat misconduct – so in the wrong hands, it could cause its own kind of misconduct.

6. REPEAL JOB KILLING REGULATIONS. America's job creators and small business owners have lost economic liberty under the weight of $1.8 billion annually in compliance costs with government regulations.